AtTENtion Span: A Festival of 10-Minute Plays

Directed by Jaime Bouvier, Fred Gloor, Mindy Herman, Christopher Johnston, Greg Vovos
Featuring works by Kathleen Cahill, Anton Dudley, Mike Geither, Steven Korbar, Jayme McGhan, Peter Papadopoulos, Steve Strangio and Greg Vovos

October 11, 2007 - October 27, 2007

8:00pm and 3:00pm, Gordon Square Theatre

80 min


A series of 10-minute plays curated by Greg Vovos take over the Gordon Square Theatre. Featuring works by local and national writers, "AtTENtion Span" is sure to take hold of you! These works take theatrical risks to explore politics, relationships, personal awakenings and zombies! And the next piece is only moments away!

The Creative Production Team Includes:

Curtis L. Young - Lighting/Set Design
Craig Tucker - Costume Design
Elizabeth Schiros - Properties Design
James Kosmatka - Sound Design
Saidah Mitchell - Choreographer
Dan Kilbane - Stage Manager
Jenna Messina - Assistant Stage Manager
JR Easterly, Willie Riddle, Laticia Richardson - Technical Assistants
Misael Alvarez, Damien Gillon, Tim Gladman - Technical Crew

List of Plays

My Date with a Zombie by Steve Strangio | directed by Christopher Johnston

Antarctica (purity) by Anton Dudley | directed by Fred Gloor

Make Yourself Plain by Mike Geither | directed by Jaime Bouvier

In the Cool, Cool, Cool by Peter Papadopoulos | directed by Fred Gloor

Blind Man’s Bluff by Steve Korbar | directed by Mindy Childress Herman

Henry and Louise and Henri by Kathleen Cahill | directed by Greg Vovos

Find Mucking by Jayme McGhan | directed by Greg Vovos

Scream by Greg Vovos | directed by Greg Vovos

Featuring Shawn Galligan, Derek Koger, Tom Kondilas, Sarah Kunchik, Teresa McDonough, Lynna Metrisin, Joe Milan, Saidah Mitchell, Amy Pawlukiewicz, Felicita Sanchez, Ryan Smith, Dennis Sullivan, Margi Herwald Zittelli

Special Thanks

Arthur Grothe
Bob Ellis
Charles Smith and Tri-C West
Jared Earley
Tony Marchesi
The Beck Center for the Arts
