Pandemonium 2008: Hidden Treasure

November 13, 2008

7:00pm - Midnight, Cleveland Public Theatre Campus


Don't miss Cleveland Public Theatre's annual fundraising extravaganza and the party of the year! Featuring dozens of area theatre, dance, visual and performance artists along with fabulous food and drink, Pandemonium is a benefit like no other and an evening not to be missed. Pandemonium's action takes place in unexpected places throughout the campus as guests decide how they choose to experience this innovative and unusual benefit!

Saturday, September 13th

Unlock the treasure at 7:00pm
Tickets: $125

Jim Rokakis, Cuyahoga County Treasurer, and Laurie Rokakis, social worker on the district staff of Congressman Dennis Kucinich, will be honored with the Pan Award.

Click Here to view the 2008 Pandemonium Sponsors!

Please note: Tickets for Pandemonium 08 are not for sale online but you can still purchase them over the phone all week! To purchase tickets, please call Judith Ross, Development Director, at 216.631.2727 x 211 or email

DRESS for Adventure and anything goes!

START your quest with complimentary valet parking

FIND fabulous food stations, free beer, wine & soft drinks

DISCOVER innovative performing arts around the theatre

Call Judith Ross, Development Director, at 216-631-2727 x211 or email

Honorary Event Chairs: David M. Douglass, Debra Kreski Bonanno & Benny Bonanno, Helen Knipe Smith, Marie Simon & John Michael Zayac

Host Committee: Harriet Applegate, Alan G. Baucco, Constance Magoulias & David Beach, Keith Benjamin, David Carney & Laura Boustani, Catherine Scallen & Robert Clark Brown, Erskine E. Cade, Amy Hanauer & Mark Cassell, Tom Chema, Hon. Joseph Cimperman, Herb & Kathleen Crowther, Hon. Brian Cummins, Michael DeAloia, Hon. Jimmy Dimora, Mark Dodds, Lou Frangos, Hon. Stuart A. Friedman, Diane Roman Fusco, Greg Glenn, Arne Goldman, Suzanne E. Hamilton, Hon. Peter Lawson Jones, Elizabeth Kelley, Hon. Dennis & Elizabeth Kucinich, Norman G. & Ruth L. Lange, Cynthia Carroll & James McKnight, Steve McQuillin, Ari Maron, William D. Mason, Bette and Gerald Meyer, Craig Miller, Kenneth Montlack, John M. Moss, Sari Feldman & Matt O’Dwyer, Joy Perry, Kathy Petrulis, Pat Ramsey, Judy & Bob Rawson, Richard Rennell, Charles T. Riehl, Gail Long & Zack Schiller, Michael Settonni, J. & Amy Shorey, Honorable Michael Skindell, Lawrence Slenczka, Ben Stefanski II, Shirley Stineman, Emily M. & Patrick A. Sweeney, Robert Varley, Paul Volpe, Linda & Christopher Warren, Lee & Caroline Weingart, Hon. Georgine Welo, Hon Jay Westbrook & Helen Williams, Craig Owen White, Hon. Matthew Zone

Volunteer Committee: Shellie Sedlak – Chair, Judi Balcerzak, Anne Calabrese, Mary Ellen & Bruce Cudney, Pat Kearney, Lora Levin, Brenda Nakonecznj

Sponsors: Alan Baucco and Tim Offtermatt, Amsdell and Amsdell, Anonymous, Bette and Gerry Meyer, Blue Technologies, Broadcast Media Ideas, Calfee Halter & Griswold, Catherine Scallen and Robert Clarke Brown, Charles and Patricia Mintz, Charles T. Riehl, Charter One Bank, City Architecture, City of Cleveland, Cleveland Clinic Health System, Cleveland Public Library, Cleveland Public Power, Cleveland Restoration Society, Cuyahoga County Libraries, Developers Diversified Realty Corp., Dollar Bank, Dominion, Douglass & Associates Co., LPA, Dr. Marie A. Simon and John M. Zayac, Elizabeth Kelley Law, Forest City Enterprises, Furniture Medic, Gail Long and Zach Schiller, Gateway Consultants, Harriet Applegate, Heidtman Steel Products, Hon. Bill Mason, Independence Excavating, Janet and Spike Narten, John Moss, Judy and Bob Rawson, Kathleen Petrulis, Kenneth Montlack, KeyBank, Linda and Christopher Warren, LNE Group, Marous Brothers Construction, Melamed Communications, Michael DeAloia, Mort and Judy Levin, National City Bank, Norman and Ruth Lange, North Shore AFL-CIO Federation of Labor, Nyman Construction Co., ParkWorks, Inc., Deborah and Ron Ratner, Resource Title, RNR Consulting, RSM McGladrey, Safeguard Properties, Scene Magazine, Squire, Sanders and Dempsey L.L.P. , Stanley and Barbara Meisel, Stewart and Donna Kohl, T.D. Security, Inc., The Plain Dealer, The Thomas Brick Co., Thorson Baker & Associates, Todd Smith, Ulmer & Burne, United Labor Agency, USA Parking/Frangos Group, US Bank, Walter & Haverfield LLC, William Katzin and Katherine Solender, Friends of Jim Rokakis, Magic Hat, Lawrence Schultz

Pandemonium 2008 from Ted Sikora on Vimeo.