Archives by Day: May 10, 2024

Meet Playwright Rachel Bublitz, author of Funny, Like An Abortion

CPT: What are some of your other interests when you’re not writing?

Rachel Bublitz: My kids are 14 and 16 years old, so it’s a nice age. I was thinking, man, they both do a lot of sports, so a lot of my job is taking them from one activity to another activity. My son swims and so recently I just became a swim official.

CPT: When did you start writing plays and what made you start writing them?

RB: My dad took me to the opera, and I started as an actor and directing in high school. I always thought I would try writing eventually since I was about 9 or 10. I’ve kept journals and I’m pretty dedicated to filling them, so I just thought, “oh, this can’t be that hard” and then it was very hard, but it was hard in a way that was really fulfilling and now I’ve been writing for over 10 Years

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